I am so very angry at SAINTS insurence providers.
Alison · Oct 24, 2006
They made me pay almost $1500 last year for house insurence because of the animals...they covered us as a hobby farm and were fully aware that this was an animal sanctuary for senior and sick animals. A month ago they sent up a fellow to get pictures of the out buildings to update our file. i took time out of a busy day to show him around and make sure none of the animals were in his way to get his job done.
Apparently he was in fact a prevent-a-claim officer whose job is to ensure that the company doesn't take any unforseen risks. While they knew this was an animal shelter when they took my money last year, apparently now insurence companies are running scared because of possible insurence claims due to biting dogs. They are refusing to cover us next year, siting 20 cats and 21 dogs as the reason (they could at least have tried to get the numbers right) I am not sure what they thought an animal shelter would shelter if not cats and dogs and quite a few of them at that.
Bottom line to this folks, is, this is a direct result of BSL legislation where law makers using their usual lack of insight are now legislating which breeds of dogs we allowed to have as members of our families instead of legislating the expectations of the type of care and responsibility the owners are legally bound to provide for ANY dog so they are well cared for and not a risk to society. Each decade it is a new breed, in the sixties it was St Bernards that were the evil dogs, in the 70's it was the german shepherd, the 80's was the dobie's, the nineties were the rotti's and in the 2000's it is any dog who in any way resembles a pitbull. When will we learn, it is not the dogs, it is the people who breed them and sell them to loser owners that are the issue. And insurence companies jump on the bandwagon to save themselves some farfetched lost bucks.
My feeling is we supposedly live in a free society where we can share our lives with animals if we would like, and we can even rescue them and give them a nice place to finish their lives too if we want. i expect our government to have a brain and do the research and fix whatever problems there are with a solution that actually works. Like if the problem of vicious dogs is really the fault of irresponsible and stupid humans then curtail the ability of stupid and irresponsible humans to breed, sell or own a dog. And I expect as a paying consumer, that insurencce companies do not penalize an innocent animal shelter with a bunch of really nice and safe and old animals that their other paying clients tossed away and cover us in case of a fire or theft or vandalism or whatever. I am so sick and tired of the good guy getting the shaft. Maybe we should all be as uncaring and unbending and as heartless as the insurence companies, gee wouldn't that be a nice world to live in.
lol...just finished it...hot, deep and long and i didn't let a single animal in there to bug me either. it felt so good to quietly soak away the aches.
i almost let freddy in (the little neuro cat i am babysitting) what a sweetie pie, i may not want to give him back!...but then i said, nope, mine!