Rescue Journal

swinger is here

Alison  ·  Nov 5, 2006

and he is upset...poor guy, nothing like having your world torn upside down like just one more time. sheesh. he is a clod, he almost fell down the hill but made a quick recovery. i wish i could just place his head in my hands and tell him that he will be ok and have him believe me. faith and patience swinger, it will be ok.



Swinger seems to be settling in this afternoon - he was standing around in the field with Gideon and Spritely, and then came over to join the donkeys at Petunia's patio when I was working in the barn. Winston gave him a love bite on the nose (he didn't appreciate it) and he gave Spritely a love bite on the side (she didn't appreciate it) - at least, I'm into positive thinking so I'll say they were love bites and not "get outta my face" bites.
Petunia had several long walks the length of the barn today, but now is sulking as I had to fence off part of her access in order to make a new stall for the sheep. She's especially miffed since I explained to her that the sheep would now live in her ensuite.
And Thomas visited her in the barn this morning and positively obsessed over her - he just can't get enough of piggy-watching. I suspect he smells some bacon strips in there somewhere (oooooh, Jean, how can you SAY that!!! Bad, bad girl!).