radar and i are in the midst of a power struggle. i am trying to be respectful and kind, and he is not. i am pretty sure he is using the "F" off words rather liberally. i have managed to get his front end onto the new carpet but it wasn't easy. lot's of shortbread cookies, a broom handle, a folded mat, and a determination almost as great as his and we are almost half way to my winning. i used the cookies to distact him, and the broom handle to gently push the folded mat under the front part of his body...he is pretty quick, he almost got me a couple of times. other than me periodically tormenting him, i can't say he really is all that upset. he quite likes the free flowing food and he lets me stroke his head as long as i am not trying to get him into a better position. i am somewhat stymied with figuring out how to get his back end on there tho. the drugs have had a chance to kick in, and i am sure he feels a heck of alot better but the problem with chronic severe pain is...he doesn't really believe it is lessened. as far as he is concerned, that back end is to be protected at all times, and if it doesn't hurt at this exact second, it darn well might hurt again if he lets anyone near it. i am not too hopeful about the ultimate outcome of all of this. but i suppose all we can do is give it the very best chance that we can to work. i am not sure what radar wants, well actually i am...he wants to lay in the middle of the kitchen undisturbed and eat cookies and pizza and anything else that tastes remotely interesting that happens to be hanging around. radar is a dog left too long without medication and then left too long again without release. this is probably going to suck for both of us.
oh s###, nicole...new post