i have just come to some conclusions tonight
Alison · Nov 26, 2006
1, lexie is a wienie and a nag. she bitched non stop on our evening slug thru the snow...its wet, its cold, this is hard, i need a rest, slow down! (she sounds just like me)
2. maude was born to live in the wild of the yukon, she ran and ran and ran and ran some more. she put more miles on than the rest of us all put together! she stayed in the fence line and she came in with everyone else. she is also a sheep chaser so maude can't be out when the barnyards are out so i put them to bed first.
3. moses hasn't a clue about anything anymore but he is willing to go along with anything anyway.
4. bill just loves being a lab, he has had 17 years of it and he wants 17 more. gosh he loves our runs.
5.cole thinks deep snow is the very best thing in the world.
6.tyra thinks anything is the best thing in the world.
7.tally can only handle so much fun and then he needs a nap.
8. i will NOT be euthanizing gracie this week. it looks like she is now permanently paralyzed in her back end and it hurts me to see her poopy butt dragging around behind her...but...any rabbit who can chase me around and just about kill me to get her freaking carrot and apple slices, isn't ready to go anywhere despite how much it bothers me.
radar i am not even thinking about tonight, i am a bit pissed with him since i just about lost my face giving him a bowl of water. and i happen to know that he is feeling better too so he can damn well knock it off.
Awww poor kitties. It sucks that they lost their home. I hope for both your sake, and theirs that they come around quickly and learn to adjust. Not an easy task for a 15 year old cat....