So I get home today and my dear sweet Honey has eaten part of the wall around the cat door. Nothing compared to the number Isaac did on Jean's bathroom, but I was definitely surprised, especially considering she has never shown any sign (or ability for that matter, she has no top teeth) of being a chewer. But i don't think either of my cats could accomplish that. Thankfully as you can tell the wall wasn't finish after the cat door was put in.
I have noticed that since Ozzie has passed, she seems to pace more while we are out (how do i know this you ask - well Honey often leaves deposits behind the laundry room door and when i come how the deposits are well walked through - too much info?)
When oz was still here, I never noticed her seeming stressed at all when I would come home, most of the time she was still sleeping, but now she is behind the laundry room door waiting.
While I had Sandy out walking in the fields two weekends ago Carol said "I give you 2 months and you'll be bringing that dog home" We'll I'm cutting it short and bringing her home on saturday. We'll see how Sandy adjusts to being here and hopefully having another dog around helps honey relax and not eat walls.
hee hee... sorry i forgot to put that in the post. this shouldn't be a deterent for any future foster/adopt homes. And even if your foster/adopted saints dog does happen to eat your home, we are pretty good at making it look new again.