Carol fell today while at her paid job and broke her ankle - of course, she doesn't do anything by halves, so this break requires surgery which will occur Tuesday. She has been told she will not be weight-bearing for three months.
So.....Chris is coordinating a volunteer schedule to ensure that all the necessary tasks are taken care of - mucking out the barn, feeding and medicating animals, cleaning the house, etc. Since nearly all of us also have full time paid jobs, this is going to be quite a challenge.
We need every volunteer who can help out, in whatever way possible, to let us know what they can do to help and when they can do it. Even if you can commit to a half hour one day a week to pooper scoop, it's one less thing on the "gotta get done" list for the rest of us.
Please let us know what you can do to help and when you can do it - organization will be key in keeping everything running smoothly.
You can contact Chris at (gosh, I hope this is the right info - Chris, correct me if I'm wrong).
I told Carol today that it could be a lot worse - at least she can talk and guide us through things and answer our questions - she's not comatose. Of course, after a couple of weeks of having to deal with an immobile but vocal Carol, we may wish she was! (Just kidding, Carol, just kidding!).
Carol, get well soon and QUIT WORRYING!!!!!
Oh no. Terrible news. I guess we'll all need to toast a glass of baileys to a speedy recovery.
I know I haven't been out in the past few weeks, I've been suuuuper busy. I will email Chris and make more of an effort to find time to get out there and help.