good day! i had a nap, where i actually slept, and that is a first!
i went with deb and the dogs for a bit til me and the more crippled ones pooped out and came home. maudie ran and ran and ran, and she stayed near me in case i happen to get away from her again, which i did not. she was such a good girl and didn't chase the sheep so she got half a peanut butter cookie when we came home. dexter is an idiot, he was chasing logs out onto the ice, at one point he had the bambi thing going on out there. moses doesn't look good. i think he is lost now, and weary and just wanders because he doesn't know what else to do. was it only last spring that he was throwing himself to the ground and rolling and barking in joy? it is getting close to the time to talk to the vet.
those dangerous trees are coming down on friday afternoon. the tree guys will buck it up but a priority for the work party is to toss it all over by the fence so the horses do not hurt themselves. they broke into the barn again today, someone has figured out the new pink clippy thing, deb has voted for donkeys, i think it was the white knight lock picker himself. sneaky little buggers. and spritely is covered in dried mud and so is her nice blue coat. why does she have to mud bath on a cold sunny day?
trev is a big baby, but deb still makes big babies have their medicated baths. i bet he feels better and deb said he smelled better too. baths are part of your program here trev, they go along with the couch and the pizza nights too.
it was a long day and a good day and tonight i am watching simon be mean to some more people who are following their dreams. don't listen to him. if you can't be the american idol, sing to your horse or your pig or your dog instead. they will think you are great and that is way more important.
deb LIKES mable may, she thinks she is ADORABLE...i think she would look GOOD at your house (she likes ONIONS fried in butter) and wants to sit next to clio and eat BACON instead because bacon tastes BETTER than onions.