Rescue Journal

sooo...i cried twice today

Alison  ·  Mar. 7, 2007

for the very same dog. not weeping but eyes filling up with tears.

it was for river, who's DVD arrived today and i had to watch twice (hence the 2 sets of tears)...oh yes, that dog is well loved.

ellie-mae was choked when the farm gates were closed so ALL the dogs could have a run. she was squealing and running along the fence in dismay. i called her over and boy did she run as fast as she could telling me her tale of woe for being left out. gosh she is cute.

both jack and michael are sleeping alot these past few days....hmmmm....i am watching them to see what they are both up to.

mable maybee baby is going in tomorrow for her diagnostic work up....chris and deb, make sure you call me when she is awake and home so i can stop worrying. i might see her in the morning cuz i am dropping her xrays off at the clinic so maybe i can kiss miz maybee before she goes to sleep for her tests.

apparently hannah banana missed me her first night from home. i missed her too,,,yet again that kitchen feels strangely empty. her meeting at the hotel is tomorrow.

so it's a big day for a couple of the saints on thursday and i will be thinking about both of them and wishing them well. fingers crossed for mable and hannah.


Chris T

Mabybe Baby is at the vets. In her true "I am Shihtzu, I am Princess" fashion she was barking up a storm when I left. I am sure all will go well today for our little Mable Mae. She is such a sweetheart.


that would be the stubborn rotti/beagle side that i sometimes see grinning out of her sweet,sweet, happy face! good girl hannah, cooperation (even if somewhat reluctant) is the key word for good relationships. jazz and copper don't get this (and that is why they are still homeless!) good luck today!


Hannah Bananah doesn't always respond to a firm tone.
I had to pull her out one end and Leila had to shove her out on the other end (and I used a very firm "come on") She was still dead weight. And then of course when she popped out of the car she calmly went out for a walk with Leila (as Leila is telling her what a good girl she is for letting us drag her out of the car)


Do not let me leave on Saturday without seeing River's DVD !!! Those kind of tears are the good ones : - )