the most adorably, cutest saint to ever be. she is between 14-16 yrs old, was one huge solid. filthy, flea ridden matt with rotten teeth and a weak back end and was running around new westminster for almost a week before animal control managed to grab her, clean her up, try to find her home (thank god they weren't successful cuz someone was not looking after her very well!)....she is under weight, but eva is making her lunch right now to fatten her up so she can be a chunky little saints monkey and nicole just called from tim hortons so i will share my toasted homestyle biscuit with her too!
She is the teeniest dog I have ever met, with the colouring and the cute pointy face of the hedgehog, Purdy! She paws to be held and she snuggles in your arms and she has dark, bright little eyes that look right into your soul and steal your heart. Oh Molly, I am in love.
And here I thought I was a big dog person! :)