that pops up and needs attention. for the last few months, our permanent foster program has been giving me some second thoughts. i am not altogether sure because it is hard to truly know and decipher other people's meanings, but i think we need to shore up our expectations. i have had over the past few months, several phone calls from people enquiring about becoming a permanent foster, and i have gotten that niggling, uncomfortable feeling that to some of them, this means free pet, free keep, free medical, ie good deal....i am not so sure it is all that of a good thing for the animal so i haven't accepted any of these particular potential homes. i think our animals deserve a little more committment and emotional investment than just that.
dawn, who has just taken on true, called me and said they were going to need to do rabies vaccines on true cuz they visit family across the border. she immediately followed this with that they would cover the cost themselves as this is something they choose to do as part of their family which true is now part of....thank you dawn, and this has gotten me thinking.
what should we be expected to provide for our permanent fosters and what should we realistically expect families to be responsible for? this is a two edged sword because we want our animals to have the chance to finish their lives, beloved, in a home of their own and we do not want fear of skyrocketing vet costs due to their senior status and pre-existing health issues to prevent this. but at the same time, we cannot afford to cover frivolous, multiple vet visits and every possible thing that might be nice just because the bill comes to us and not to someone else.
i had a foster several years ago who was upset with me when i stopped paying for monthly advantage treatments for her 2 indoor foster cats. her own personal dog kept bringing the fleas in.
anyway...i would appreciate some thoughts on this from other perspectives while i am looking for options, solutions and how to firm up our permanent foster program to the best advantage for our animals to ensure that their value is more than just free pet, no cost. they deserve more i think.
good points to consider on all fronts.
this is such a complex issue. me re: trev's ear...if he is going to cheat on his diet, there is something else we can try so that maybe that food suck can cheat occasionally without a sore ear. don't worry about that vet bill, that ear has yet to clean up yet and frankly he'd be cheating alot more up here.