Rescue Journal

first evening of back to work.

Carol  ·  Jul. 9, 2007

i am home from my course...8 hours to learn a new wound care computer program...ouch.

i got a message on my cell that we were out of some of the barn feed so i stopped and picked up about 300 pounds of feed on my home, i have to unload it. ouch again. i didn't know we were out of cat litter too, but that will have to wait til tomorrow.

i managed to make the vet appointments....nudge goes in as a drop off tomorrow and tom goes in on thursday morning. i can pick them both up again on my lunch break so they don't have to stay at the clinic for the entire day.

i also stopped to buy some sunscreen for ellie, it cost $27 to buy 3 tubes of sunscreen...i am pretty sure that is only enough for one day...gosh she is BIG...ouch number three!

remy seems to have made it thru my first full day away, just fine. altho he says he wasn't fine, but i think he is exaggerating.

i think i will grab a bite to eat, watch idol, put the barn guys to bed, unload the feed from the van, feed the barnyards with the new food, run the dogs, water the lower field with the hose, do the meds, have a bath and then go to bed...sounds like a full night.

i just called and checked on my home-coming daughter...her flight was delayed three hours so she is not home yet...i bet i won't be in trouble now!



yep, pixelere...we did a trial about 5 years ago and i guess FHA is rolling it out now thru the entire health authority. you bet i am up for dinner with you, can't wait to see you are going to love ellie mae and percy!!! i take it jen likes korea? lindsey did too, altho the last time, she was glad to come home.

and have you met any nice horse people up there yet with good hearts??? i got 2 emails this morning on two separate, early twenties, useless and needing retirement homes. there ought to be alot of horse people up by you maybe??? how is your crew doing?


Pixelere? Jen is coming back from Korea for a month next week. Are you up to going out for dinner sometime in September when I get down your way?