tunie was difficult at bedtime...she slipped out the back door and went to have a nap in the shavings box. she left half of her dinner behind so i put it away and went to water the bottom field.
she had wandered back in by the time i was done but she was pretty clear that she did not like that fan blowing away in her room...tough, i nudged her butt in that door and shut her in with that fan blowing anyway, but i did give back the rest of her dinner.
sweet pea is so cute, i watched her in the dusk while i watered the grass..ka-boyang, ka-boyang...she ping pong balled all over that field, back and forth. she makes me laugh.
ben is pissed and barking. he does not like his new bedroom in the entrance way.
chicky is pissed and barking too, she does not like sweet pea eating out of the food bowl.
phoebe is perplexed, ben now has her bedroom and she is not sure where she is supposed to sleep now....try the couch phebes, not the linen shelves please.
remy prefers the cat room door open. sigh...he has figured out that if he keeps opening it, it doesn't matter too much where i happen to be cuz he can come and find me.
i heard on the news tonight that lady bird johnson died tonight, she was 94. holy smoke, she was the first lady when i was growing up. i thought her husband sucked as president but i quite liked her, she had a great name.
it doesn't seem that long ago, kennedy, johnson, nixon...i actually cared about politics back then.
Chicklet - every time you write about her I envision that little face with the funny hair do and I have to laugh. She is a little sweetheart and a character.