not the pathetic people that got him from someone and then tied him to a tree in the backyard, traumatized him and didn't feed him. but the ones before that. the ones that got him as a puppy, taught him to sit and stay and come and lie down. the ones that every once in a awhile he rushes to the window or the door and peers intently for cuz he thinks maybe that sound he just heard is them coming to find him.
i want to talk to those people and tell them that whatever fantasy world they are living in about where they sent their beloved dog, it is a lie. i want to tell them that they sent their dog who loved and trusted them into hell. i want them to know so that they never, ever, do it again to another.
and now i want to tell everyone who gives their dog or their cat or their horse or rabbit away, or sells them to someone else because their life just got complicated. here are some stats for you about just the dogs (horse, cat and rabbit stats are even worse). the average dog lives in 5 homes in it's life time. each home gets progessively worse. there are literally millions of those bounced around dogs killed in shelters in north america every single year. the average age of dog's euth'd in shelters is 5 years of age. five homes, five abandonments and betrayals and then death in the most frightening place in the world to them...the place that keeps them caged and trapped from the people that the dog knows and loves.
and i want to say this to the whole entire world....if you cannot, irrevocably committ to an animal that you choose to get for it's entire life, if you cannot or will not be a responsible owner that provides decent food, shelter, medical care, and emotional intimacy with them for their full life, then do not get them. don't keep doing it to them or their offspring that you allowed to be born. for god's sake, don't keep making it worse for them every single time a human lets them down, don't be just another human in a long line waiting to hurt them.
to max's first owners, he believes you loved him. you took care of him and taught him all kinds of great things. i however don't believe you loved him for a second because how could you possibly have let him come to this if you loved him?
oh, and by the way, good and responsible people spay and neuter their pets. they know that is part of the whole package on loving and caring for their friend.
i could figure out how to cross post it on craigs list if you would like carol.