i am struggling to decide about tom and michael
Carol · Jul 30, 2007
tom has stopped eating again, which means i can't get his meds into him without force. i did manage to sneak his tramadol into him last night but not the 2 abx's. i think he is starting to obstruct from his cancer, i am not sure if he is pooping (cuz i haven't seen him in the last day or so and he appears to be vomitting to empty his stomach which tells me it is not going thru into the bowel. he is still bright and alert and otherwise comfortable, but if i am right, this is going to change drastically really quick. michael is also bright and alert and he is eating well right now too. but gosh moving is such a struggle and unless someone is right with him on the floor fussing right over top of him, i can't say that he is all that happy anymore. i have been booking home euth's for them and cancelling the day before since they either popped up and seemed better or at least seemed to be content and holding their own. but if i cancel tomorrows euth...we might have trouble getting another for a couple of weeks cuz colleen is not available next week at all. i will figure this out and try to make the right decision but it is hard cuz i don't know if i can bear to lose either one right now. i wish god or whoever would just make them well for another month or two, then maybe i could make the right decision without struggling so hard.
That makes total sense Carol. You know what's best, you certainly have the experience and are in tune with both humans and animals. I'm glad they aren't suffering and you help them find the joy in every single day they have left with you.