Rescue Journal

garage sale (again)

Nicole  ·  Aug 5, 2007

So the fundraising garage sale is only going to be on the Saturday (August 11) from 9am-3pm.
If you have stuff around your house that you don’t want, but don’t have enough to have a sale of your own, bring it out to saints or let us know and we may be able to pick it up from you.

We are also having our annual open house on Saturday August 18 from 11am-3pm.
SAINTS is located at 33860 Dlugosh Avenue in Mission - just off Stake Lake rd.
Can any SAINTS volunteers who are able to help out on either or both of those days please post here or email me at



heidi, i will be at saints on tuesday afternoon and thursday afternoon/evening. or you can just call carol to see when she's around.

Francesca Wilson

Hi Carole, Marie and I will try and get there as early as possible on Saturday. We have a few bits and bobs and hopefully can help with anything else.


Since we just packed up and moved a farm, I KNOW there has gotta be saleables I can scootch from storage and donate. Will let yah know!


i already know that lynn (copper's lynn) will be there for the open house, but not the garage sale.
Julie will you be around for either day?


Hi Nicole and Carol

I have stuff for the garage sale. When is a good time to drop it off? When are you off Carol? I will plan to help out with the sale and open house but all depends on how I feel on those days. I am really missing the dogs esp. Dexter, Michael,Copper and Bill. Can you give them a big hug and pet for me. Thanks. Hope to see you soon. Heidi