Rescue Journal

in case enquiring minds want to know....

Carol  ·  Aug 16, 2007

betty boots is a bag. she has had 2 fights with remy, a fight with sam the cat, and a fight with phoebe. every single one of them she has had down and at her mercy and every single one of them started it by giving her attitude.... i will give her credit, so far she hasn't actually bitten anyone, just slobbered and scared the crap out of them. still... she doesn't stop when i tell her...i can't trust her so she is now isolated. phoebe got a taste of her own medicine and she didn't like it much. i am hoping betty boots the bag will get better cuz her thyroid is really out of whack. it will probably take a week or so to know if she is going to get less cranky and irritable.

clyde is a toad. there just is not much else to say about him.

we have way too many difficult dogs right now, sheesh, where are all the easy ones like bill?

apparently you can get the hitching post in maple ridge to deliver to mission all your barn feed, rabbit pellets, shavings and the cat litter pine pellets too....and for a very low fee. ha ha.....800 pounds of stuff delivered that i didn't have to haul around and unload...i am a happy camper tonight.

i am a bit worried about getting everything ship shape for the open house on saturday...i am still working a full day tomorrow which only gives me a couple of hours on saturday morning to spiff the place up. i would be quite stressed if i wasn't so tired from everything else.

maybe no one will come anyway.



i am too lazy to write a book, i like the blog, it is quick.
looking forward to meeting you larraine!


This enquiring mind wants to know .... how many times will Carol have to hear or read that she should write a book... before she actually does ???? I bet the book would be the best fundraiser in years !!!

Perhaps we should hire someone to go through the entire Blog & other written words from carol ... I bet we'd still come out ahead.


We're coming and we will help too. All the work you do Carole and all that has gone on this past week you can't expect perfection. You would be the first to tell someone that. I feel like I know you already just by reading your blog. I think you should write a book you are such a great writer. I enjoy reading your events every day. See you saturday.