i just did it, i couldn't not do it, but i shouldn't have done it and i knew it, but i did it anyway.
i was coming home from the dump run and there on the side of the road are three ladies...one holding a bright pink spray painted sign that said..."kittens for sale $150" and two others holding half grown siamese kittens in their arms...one lady lifted one of the kittens up high so i could see her better. i stopped, a male and a female, bottle raised cuz mom died at birth. a permanent siamese kittens for sale sign on a post behind them, i have been driving past it for a couple of years. one woman said they were advertised in one of the local papers for $350 but these two were never sold.
i asked their names, they didn't have any. they were not spayed or neutered, i never even asked anything else. one lady gave me the female to hold. i saw two more people pull up behind me and i said, "i will take them both"
i am not going to pretend that this is rescue. i, carol hine, paid $300 cash for those cats cuz i was afraid of where they would go, of what would happen to them if i just drove away.
god, i am weak sometimes.
btw I said 'luxury' on purpose as clearly Baby Rue's mom wasn't fixed.
As soon as she was old enough we took her in as we've done with all our other animals.
When I see pet store animals I always wish I could give the 'parents' the luxury of no more litters, hence my expression "luxury of getting spayed". :)