the saints thank everyone for the great day today
Carol · Oct. 13, 2007
the chickens got thick new shavings for the cold nights. the fields and the riding ring got scooped. the blackberry bushes were trimmed, and so were nails and eye brows and certain poodles look more poodle like too. the outdoor furniture was put away and the dog yards cleaned and once again the animals had a wonderful day with lot's of friends and fun (and food)
everyone is tired, except clyde cuz he didn't get to be out there tiring himself out. but most of the others are pretty darn pleased with how they got to spend their day.
so thank you for your kindness and your giving and your sharing and for driving all the way out here to give us a hand.
days like today are just plain good for the collective saints soul. i hope your souls are all happy and feeling as good as we are too!
except clyde, he doesn't feel so good right now because he burned his little tongue with some bleach...apparently he thought full 5 gallon bottles would make good soccor toys...until he bit thru the handle of one and got a surprize. he is such a moron.
i am sorry i didn't get to say good bye to everyone but carmen was rushing me because we had more mal kennels to clean. (three more tomorrow and then the first bank is done and they can move back into sparkling clean kennels and we can start on the next set..that feels good too!)
Poor Clyde. I think he might be one fry short of a Happy Meal. Good thing you love him Carol!