an update on raymond and a few other things
Carol · Nov 17, 2007
his surgery was re-scheduled for today, his bloodwork was slow in getting back. i will pick him up after work and bring him home.
there is another new little dog here, she is not a saint, she is a temporary favor for a rescue friend. her name is "faith" so if i write about her, you will know who i am writing about.
i think the new cushings dog's name is sparkles. she is coming in tomorrow, i will pick her up from her vet after work too. in many years of rescue i have never had a sparkles...and now we have two?
that sad old abandoned guard dog is no longer in need...the temporary home decided to keep her and get her the vet care she needs.
and finally those two wandering wanna-be saints tried to get in here again yesterday. i saw their little faces peering in thru the fence at 6 am in the morning. the malamute is wearing a cone cuz he had just been neutered.i spoke to the room mate when he picked up the dogs and told him the other dog still needed neutering too. i suggested some fun things involving more time spent with the dogs and maybe they would stay home instead of visiting here.
and speaking of malamutes...sadly, the senior lady's dogs we were helping are now all looking for homes, as well as 2 cats and some chickens. the lady has passed away and i believe malamute rescue will be posting their pics on their site in the next few days. greg continues to go every day to care for the animals until they find homes.
oh yay beverly!!!!!!!