i have to leave in a few minutes to take carly to the vet in maple ridge and pick up sweet little faith. i have missed her.
i took harley and sadie to our mission vet today and had to leave harley for surgery. that dog has not made a sound since she came but she started moaning as soon as we got to the vet (this was where she was left for euth. before she came to us) i felt so bad leaving her and promised we would pick her up as early as we can tomorrow. sadie had a needle biopsy while we there to see if we should remove those VERY large tumours. they are fully vascular and not fatty lypomas and are probably something nasty and malignant that are best left undisturbed. sadie is now palliative and we will focus on pain control and comfort and not worry too much about the future right now. she is such a truly nice dog.
i got the barn, americats and bunnies done and lynn and trina got thru the house. sigh...i didn't get to paying the bills, or another needed dump run, and i didn't get my personal laundry put away or my bedroom cleaned out....maybe i will have time when we get home from maple ridge. i am back to work tomorrow...i still think a 4 day work week would work better for me.
i think today i am feeling the burden of responsibility more than i usually do.
Poor Sadie, I have some nice pics of her as well. I hope Harley is ok:)