phoebe takes a step forward from negative to positive, all by herself.
Carol · Feb. 9, 2008
not much sleep last night...a. bad mood from a nasty email and then...b..too much good company so i could hardly move.
phoebe is not allowed to sleep with us. she gets mad too easy and turns into a vicious bag. but the night before last, she was frantic to come to bed. click,click,click,click as she high speed paced from bed to kitchen to den and back again. it was driving me nutz. finally she frantically started scratching on the side of the bed...she really wanted up. i took pity and let her but fully expecting to be booting her off as soon as she forgot that she was a reluctantly accepted guest. but i didn't have to...she stayed good as gold, all night long.
last night, she didn't even ask. up she jumped into the middle of the bed while i was trying to change the sheets.
"i don't think two nights in a row going to be too much for you to handle??"
and then she started goofing around, play bowing and spinning. she actually flipped herself over the bed, fell off the other side and was right back up again in the blink of an eye. ok, that was funny and way too cute, and i started to laugh, she liked that she was funny and cute and flipped around some more.
so who could kick off, a happy eager dog who was trying so hard to be welcome? not me. i gathered up sweet pea and clyde, and cuddles and pugsy too. julie and boo and eddie joined us and all of us picked our favorite spot.
pheobe was under the covers and curled up in my belly, sweet pea was on top of the blankets and wedged tight between phoebe and me. clyde was high up in my arms with his nose stuck under my ear, cuddles held my knees in place, pugsy had the middle of the bed and julie took my hip. eddie and boo each found a corner and phoebe made not a single snarl or grumble and slept.
this morning as soon as the alarm went off, she climbed out, licked my face and the top of sweet pea's head. she sat patiently waiting for me to push clyde over so i could climb out too and then she joined the rest of us as we started to move.
for those who do not know phoebe, this is a momentous move forward. i know it might not last forever and she might sometimes slip back. i have to watch her carefully for any sign of the old phoebe cuz she can be mean to the little frail ones when she is guarding her sleeping place.
but last night it renewed my faith that it is possible to really change and not be so reactive and angry and selfish if just given a second chance. i hope she gets to keep sleeping with us cuz i know she likes to alot but i also know i may have to stop her if she can't stay relaxed.
fingers crossed that phoebe herself has fully figured this out.
Very good news!!!! I'm glad Phoebe has been able to enjoy the nightly ritual of cuddling in your bed Carol. Truthfully though with that many friends can you really sleep?