i can be so tough and unbending and absolutely rigid in my convictions and actions when physical or emotional violence becomes an issue. but jeez i am an easy target when someone quietly, kindly, and politely takes over the world.( i pretty much don't notice, until it is too late)
do you know how many freaking cats are living in the freaking cat room? THREE (plus one stuck in a cage so she really doesn't count yet cuz she doesn't have the option to choose somewhere else.)
and where are all of the others? they are in or on my kitchen cupboards. they are hanging out on my bed or my animal free den. a whole god damn herd is trying to break into the bathroom every time i open the freaking door. they are sleeping on the laundry shelves or in my closet or where ever they want to be instead of in the cat room which is where they are supposed to be!
even dixie chick, stubborn feral who has hated me for almost six solid years is sleeping on my bed now. and she has the nerve to hiss at me when i am trying to get into my very own bed.
and what is the point of a cat room with a nice outside run with ramps and climbing shelves, if no one actually lives in it?
sneaky little bastards, taking over the rest of the house, one freaking cat at a time.
but i am thinking on this, and i think i now have a plan...i am moving my bed into here and making this my animal-free room...i bet the little brats start sneaking right back into here...just as soon as they think they are not welcome in here anymore. they will be compelled to exert every feline effort to try to re-take over the room they are no longer allowed in..... cuz that's just what cats do.
Here's a cheap n' easy scratch-proofing trick that works more often than not (there is simply no 100% with felines) :)
Get a roll of packing tape (those clear rolls that you would use to tape moving boxes closed with). Take a long piece and make a loop, sticky side out. Stick the loops along the sides, bottoms, or arms of the furniture where the cat is scratching. Cats hate the feel of anything stuck the pads of their paws and most will find elsewhere to sharpen their claws and/or stretch their backs.
This will work on fabric and carpet, but be careful with baseboards etc as some tape will peel the paint off.