Rescue Journal

the saints junior cheerleaders were hard at work last week.

Carol  ·  Mar. 1, 2008

they completed their class assignment and did a great job! then they hauled their mom's off to canadian tire and in four hours, collected over 200 hundred canadian tire dollars AND more than $700 in cash donations. wow.

nicole is going to post some photos of our very favorite in the entire world 11 yr olds presenting us with the fruits of their labours. i have to tell you folks, that every time these two young women and their families come here, they fill this place with pure shining light. they love saints in general, they love the animals in particular and like me, i think, this is their favoritest place in the world.

great job girls, i am thinking of making you both our official happy bringers!



The next time some cranky, pessimistic, youth-hater starts whining about how horrible, selfish and shiftless today's young people are, be sure to tell them about these terrific young women. Melissa and Maddy are our future leaders. I feel like we are in very good hands

Eva Stock

Fantastic job young ladies!! Saints is so lucky to have met you and the animals Saints are so lucky too. Thanks so much from a fan and Saints volunteer. Eva


You should see the girls " money dance " it is great ... and holy Cow .. does it ever work. Way to go you guys, I'm so impressed & SAINTS is so lucky you are supporting them !!