Rescue Journal

lexie has had a stroke

Carol  ·  Mar 27, 2008

it is quite significant and she is not recovering well. laura and cathy saw her and came and got me. i called the vet and they stayed with her while i ran down to the drug store for meds. it has been more than a couple of hours now with not much improvement. greg put the barn guys to bed for me and now we wait to see.

for those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting lexie, she is the worlds best dog. she takes faithfulness and loyalty and man's best friend, right to another whole new level. from the day she arrived here, she knew her and she has never waivered for a second in caring for me.

get better lex, that is your job in caring for me now.


Eva Stock

My God it is too sad and I know it is best that it happened now as she knows where she belongs. Lexie has always understood. I hope she recovers soon!!! Sorry Carol that you are having to go through this. Eva