i got the hay unloaded and didn't lose percy out the gate so that was a good thing. the dogs were hysterical cuz they weren't allowed out there and when they did convince someone to let them out enmass, they still hit a closed gate. chaos ensued, hysteria mounted and dog fight occured. that was a bad thing. i came flying back thru the gate right at them, the smart ones headed straight back to the house and even the not so smart ones got the hell out of my way. i think that was a good thing, they think that was a bad thing but since i run the joint, my kind of thinking wins and when i am mad, dogs better move their butts cuz dog fights piss me off big time. cleo has a sore ear and since she was the instigator, ask me if i care. anyway, i did clean it up for her but only cuz i was morally obligated.
albert and taffy went off into the wider blue yonder with their new very great family. andy and anita are going to have so much fun with those two and i know the dogs are going to have a blast too.
new incoming.... 2 new old, sick barn cats are arriving tomorrow (one is a 15 yr old cardiac cat and the other is a 12 yr old chronic URI, a barn is not a great home for either one of them, good thing the new owner wants them gone.)..... and a new 14 yr old retriever cross is arriving in a couple of weeks, her deceased owners grandson came for a tour of the place today, he is returning oversees in a month. both the cats and the dog are coming in due to unfortunate circumstances beyond their control but all of them are lucky that they did have good and responsible humans out there stepping up for them and helping them find safety. all animals should be so lucky.
it is quiet at work today, i wonder what the little buggers at home are up to right now?
What with the permanent fosters - are they up for adoption? I just say Tuddles (Tug) and I want him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!