don't look for advice or support here (you;ll just get asked what kind of underwear you prefer) call my daughters instead.
jenn suggested naked male posters on my walls, or talking about sexy male movie stars....but that is not me.
lindsey suggested a t-shirt that says either...i am a heterosexual" or "i am not gay"
but i think that is a bit blunt.
so they are going to get me a t-shirt that says "i am a plant"
apparently plants are asexual, they don't have same sex or opposite sex partners sucking the emotional life out of them...this is why i think trees look so happy, even when they get old.
"i am a plant, I am a plant, i am a plant" is absolutely so perfect for me...i have achieved an accurate sexuality definition at 50...i didn't know i was supposed to do this, but i guess it is something one has to do in rescue.
i am a happy camper, and i really love my kids.
(plus they said i could be homo/bi/or hetero if i wanted, it made no difference to them but i would personally rather be a plant right now.)
AND...i can wear my "i am a plant" t-shirt under my flannel shirt so i can keep wearing whatever i want.
strange thing to put on a t-shirt. "I am not gay". what kind of message does THAT send?! (other than the obvious, of course. are they trying to keep all those sexy lesbian ladies off you?)
"i am a plant". that, is perfect.