jewel had pain issues this morning, mugsy had pain issues this morning and so did i. we are just a bunch of freaking cripples who need our meds adjusted again. it was a bit of disrupted sleep last night. i had to check on the horses a few time as they were unknowingly given a bunch of fresh grass clippings. you would think it was ok cuz horses eat grass but the clippings are not only exposed to gas fumes...but my lush back yard grass is not the course, sparse grass they are used to eating. i called mo when i discovered the left overs in their feeder last night cuz i wasn't sure but i thought it was not a great thing....she said i needed to watch them for colic...... luckily they were all ok.
it was also disrupted because not only did my neck hurt but boo decided to bite me in the middle of the night. i guess she was pissed with my up and down routine so when i moved innocently once too often in my sleep, she nailed me in retribution. she is a bad cat. she was in a better mood this morning tho and when we woke up she let me tug 2 small matts off her neck, that was a big accomplishment for us so i am no longer mad at her.
it was quite busy today with lot's of folks around (the first one arrived at 07:30...yikes!) but i am kind of in la la land with the muscle relaxants, the lack of sleep and the recent emotional stuff so i just ineffectively tried to do my own thing...i got a few things done but nothing worth bragging about.
everyone is gone now, it is very quiet here. all the dogs and cats are resting peacefully. i think i will try to watch "silk" with pugsy, cuddles and squirt, they all like watching movies and eating popcorn with me.
oh! and the bake sale was a HUGE success....whoever heard of a bake sale making $4000?...laura and lana and the bank of nova scotia did (the bank matched the $2000 they made)! thank you to everyone who baked and participated in this, life is a little bit easier now. laura is going to stage a photo op with the dogs, she will be handing them the cheque! i will try to get someone to post it on the website, i bet it will be a great picture.
Laura and Lana, I think you are awesome and thank you very much from all the people and animals at Saints!!! See you soon. Eva And thanks for ressuring me about our Simon too.