laura was here last night and helped me put the barn guys to bed..she got to see our fast flying pig for the very first time! gosh ellie is lovely, just like a pretty and pink, real life dinosaur flying up from the field.
percy was unhappy, he was bawling and even squeezed out a tear and sadly it was all my fault. with jeanette's passing it is no longer necessary to fill all three hay mangers at night...not for just percy, pete and edith. sooo....i left one empty. but i left the WRONG one empty and apparently this broke percy's heart. laura and carly and i were down by the pond and percy was wailing away, up we went to see what was wrong and to find his little tear streaked face. i don't know how i knew what was upsetting him but instinctively i did and i went to get him some more hay. he charged up to the feeder beside me and settled right down and ate from his apparently most favorite and sacred place. silly cow-boy was happy again.
i tried to eat 3 cookies for dinner but there were 9 dogs staring at me so needless to say we all collectively got very little and then i was too tired to fight for a different, more substantial dinner of my own....this i why i like to go thru the drive in for is the only time i can actually eat in peace and without 20 eyes staring accusingly at is my one guilt-free meal each day.
Hmmmm Thanks heaps Deb, who can really enjoy a butter tart with no raisins ????? I'll try to save one to have with my Sunday morning coffee ( with baileys ) while I sit & listen to the bells from the Abbey.