Rescue Journal

so this is it

Carol  ·  Sept 12, 2008

today is my last kick ass day. i am heading out now for the barn feed and then running jesse to the vet and hopefully by 10:30 i will be back here and up to getting into a faster gear than i have been up til now.

on my to do list is...

fill the feed bins

finish the shop, office and storage area.

clean up all the of the meds and get them organized

inside linen shelves

kitchen counters and cupboards

switching fans and airconditioners for heaters and putting the fans away

and finally my bedroom which has not been touched in over 2 weeks and then spot washing walls et el

and then i will be done



Eva Stock

Hi there;

So sorry I did not make it but to feed the bunnies today as I sure wanted and intended to. What is up with our Jessie? The place is looking so good! Please blog about Jessie and Oka. I will be by after the games tomorrow and I will chart on them.

We had a huge bear in the yard this pm and he was trying to find any food he could and Eric tried to shoo him away and he turned around and growled at Eric. He was all over the property, in the front and back. We all watched him except Colton he is feeling pretty lousy. Eva


i will try to make it up too but i have been up all night throwing up. probably the stomach flu. i feel a little better now and will stay away from everyone i still have to go get ben and take all the dogs out for a walk. sure do not have any energy tho


Hopefully your red cape won't get in the way while you're doing all these tasks!lol
See ya later, I'll be up to work on the yards.