Rescue Journal

maude pulls a fast one

Carol  ·  Jan 7, 2009

she is out on her run this morning and running and running like maude always does but renee notices she is drooling so she calls me.....hmmm, the beginning of kennel cough?...apparently not.

two hours later maude is flat out, she can't get up and her gums are pale. carrie rushes her to maple ridge and i meet them at the vets. we carry her in and poof...maude has aspiration pneumonia...she vomitted and the gastric contents got into her lungs. it looked like she was going to have to go to the emergency clinic for oxygen and 24 hr monitering. they started her on IV's and meds for the pneumonia and for the nausea. by the end of the day when i went to get her to move her to langley, she was back on her feet and her temp was down.

so maude has come home where i can keep a close eye on her. she still has her IV cath. in and i am to flush it once tonight. i have her xrays so if she goes sour, i can take them with us if we have to rush into emergency. luckily sue, the vet who saw her today is on night shift in langley tonight so if maude runs into trouble, she already knows what she is dealing with.

maude never does anything by half and she never does things all that slow...but geez louise could she try not to to kill herself in quite the same high speed as she lives every day.


Chris T

I hope she bounces back quickly and goes right back to making you crazy!


Maudie, c'mon! You know we can't tell anyone but you are my favourite hellion, I mean SAINT, or former SAINT, now Carol's grrrl. You can't pull stunts like this, too many people love you.