Rescue Journal

medical rounds

Carol  ·  Jan 29, 2009

the vet came yesterday for our first health care rounds. i was only here for part of it so i have to ask carrie for her view.....but i think it went well. i read the notes when i got home...a few why does mosley need a chest xray? i didn't know misfit was starting with the sore mouth thing and diablo is developing a small fluid pocket at the base of his amputation and should start warm compressing...we did blood work and urine specs on quite a few and several got convenia injections for various things which i had asked depending on how much this all cost at one hard shot will determine how often we can do this.

we decided to take out the rest of eddy's teeth which i was trying hard to avoid and she left us some sc injectible pain meds for him which will be way nicer than trying to shove tramadol in his sore mouth.

the vet and her assistant were incredibly patient and gentle with our guys... even the blood work and bladder aspirant cats were not too upset...still purring and rubbing their heads against the vet while she poked with her needles. to me, the greatest benefit was to cats like toby and eddy...too frail and sensitive to be hauling to and from the clinics but still needing some basic stuff to ensure we cover the bases well.

nicole's vet tech class will be here this morning and next thursday too so today promises to be a busy day as we work having students around our busy care schedule.

so this appears to be medical week at saints with lot's of new medical plans to put in place which should be good for everyone.

today is the first of my 11 days vacation...whahoo...i have time for some of the extra stuff that needs to be done now!
