i went back to bed for an hour and snuggled in with my warm bed buddies for a really early morning nap...and i had a dream.
i was somewhere where a group of young kids brought me these great letters they wrote...i felt my eyes well up with tears as i got ready to read them...except they wrote them in pencil and i did not have my glasses so i asked one of the boys to read them to me and then realized he was dyslexic and i had just done a mean thing.
then i was in a fancy board room with lots of women in nice clothes and shiny pointy shoes and star who was apparently dying, climbed up on my lap and as i listened with my stethescope to her heart beat fail, she started to suckle on my cheek.
so i put my dead dog into my full laundry basket and pulled her behind my bike that i was riding down these steep, dark, narrow, crowded, stairs trying to find a way home and stay out of other folks way. i stopped at a hallway door bank to get some cash but my bank card wasn't with me and the vacuum hose that was attached behind me started leaking dirt all over the floor. i was really embarrassed and asked for a broom to clean it up and one nice lady said, oh hey, i read your blog every day and another lady said really sincerely, i really like your boot. i look down and i have one really cool boot on and one ugly wrecked slipper, oh yay.... then my real life intruded and the bed buddies started barking so i got to wake up.
saved by the saints...weird dream eh?
[Quote Carol]" so maybe i am not so very crazy! "
I'm pretty much an authority on CrAzY.......YUP!!!You Are So Very CrAzY......But thats what I like about you :) :)