about rescue.
i love cutting up the barn guys fruit at night. it makes me happy to cut up shiny, red juicy apples for the horses that look so nice that even i want to take a bite. i love cutting the apple pieces smaller for the pigs (so they don't choke) and adding fresh cream colored banana slices and firm sweet strawberries. it makes me happy that their fresh fruit salad on top of their pellets, looks good enough for anyone to eat. (that whole slops thing for pigs is just disgusting)..i take a great deal of pleasure that our guys don't eat second-hand or second class food.
i like wrapping sleeping dogs in fleeces clean and warm. and i like putting out cold fresh milk next to the old cats sleeping in their beds. i like them sniffing my lips and head butting my nose and purring as they take a drink.
i like touching faces and rubbing warm soft noses. i like kissing foreheads with eyes that close in contentment and lips that kiss back while their heads rest gently in both of my hands.
i like feeling once head shy dogs like fourlane, dusty, suzie, bonnie and clyde burrow their faces between my arm and my side.
and best of all i like most in the entire world...is walking from room to room at night, giving a kiss here, a touch there, a "how are ya doin" and making sure their bowls are full, and they have enough water, that the blankets on their beds are comfy enough for them to sleep well before i turn off the lights.
my favorite things in rescue are the little, tiny things that maybe in the big scheme of important things don't really matter that much.... except to them and to me.
I take immense pleasure in stroking/touching/ any of my dogs faces. I could nuzzle and kiss those faces all night. * sigh *
Watcher and Frank adore it, while Ticket turns her ass to me and requests bum scratches. Whateva!