Rescue Journal

mornin' (i ain't saying "good" cuz they are now just crazy busy)

Carol  ·  Apr. 10, 2009

i turned away a couple of dogs and a couple of cats this week. i said no to a 21 yr old horse who wasn't trying to get in but was asking for saints to pay for his transport from an island rescue to a mainland rescue so he didn't have to go to slaughter. i figured he was already in the care of rescue with another rescue waiting to receive him..i cannot conceive that there is any way he would end up in slaughter cuz we can't pay his transport bill.

we owe more than 15 grand in vet bills, there is not enough money in the account to cover the next payroll so i just had to cut the paid hours here again to bare bones minimum. we owe the receiver general and for the labour on fixing the fence, and the financial year end still has to be paid too...we are in crises until the upcoming fundraisers bring some money in...there is no way we can help transport him.

rescue is simply a never ending road of one stressor piled on top of another until the pile becomes a mountain that blocks the view of the rest of the world.

eddy stopped eating for a couple of days which meant he did not get his metacam for his sore mouth. it was becoming a vicious circle...sore mouth, no eating, no meds, mouth hurts more...i finally told renee to give him an injectible pain med yesterday..that worked, he ate some fancy feast.

AND since he feels really good this morning, he is driving me insane.... flip flopping on the key board, head butting my face, dripping his happy drool all over the place. sigh...glad you feel good today eddy, now PLEASE go away!

ok, gotta go...i just added tube feeding to my before i go to work clean up and diabetic chores and i better feed eddy again and give him his metacam before his pain gets out of control again.



samantha, i was on the phone with her when she opened the door and saw it. she pretty much screamed and i thought someone had died. but was much relieved when she started reading tally's name.


All went well! Andy was great! I forgot who you wanted done, so we just did the obvious ones. If I missed someone, let me know, and Ill come back. Candice and I chipped in for a gift for you. I left it in front of the door.:)


works good..i will sedate andy at lunch time and lock him in the dog room so you can catch him to shave...thx sam!!!!!


Hi Carol! Im taking my dogs out for a walk in burnaby at 11 for an hour or so then I will be dropping them off at home and coming out, so I guess we will be there in the afternoon sometime.... If that is not good you can reach me by calling candices cell at 604-813-0449