Rescue Journal

just say no...

Carol  ·  Apr 22, 2009

nnnnnnooooooo...nnnnnnnoooooo...two freaking little letters strung together and stretched out to make it last for a long time.
i have said no so many times over the past few weeks...BUT.... i said yes..four freaking times in the past 24 hours. geez i really do suck.

yes to the 12 yr old boston with cancer that used to be angel's very best friend. as with blind, diabetic, incontinent angel a couple of months ago, the family is again in conflict over the care and cost of a sick little dog. they have elected to send him here to be with angel for the time he has left.
yes to the 3 yr old brittany who is a bit of a nutbar handful...he was on thin ice with his family anyway and then he developed pancreatitis. they discussed possible euthanization with the vet but have decided to send him to saints instead.

i did say yes to the 6 month old pitbull with the progressively bilaterally deformed front legs. but the family has since changed their minds because he seemed better again....what happens if he deteriorates further?...not sure, but we might hear from him again. i hope they do the surgery but in any case, for now he is not coming here.

and then there is the 12 or 14 yr old incontinent arthritic lab..his incontinence is a big problem. i spoke at length to them 6 weeks ago and suggested pain meds may have a real positive effect of his incontinence and to go back to the is hard to get up and "go" when it hurts to get up at all. another call today...can we take him yet?...hmmm...did he get to the vet? that no was easy.
well sure, yes then, we'll take him but not til mid/or the end of june. so could the family please take him to the vet and get his pain under control while he waits?? they said ok, but they don't think pain meds will fix his incontinence..maybe, maybe not, but i bet he will feel better anyway. and if it does help his incontinence, maybe he won't lose his home.

so out of 4, 3 are coming and 2 are coming really soon. the spaniel needs medical treatment and the boston might benefit from some extra medical quality of life things too. i have no idea what has happened to all of the others i actually said the word no to but i feel bad for them all. oh and i have not forgotten the anxiety ridden BJ at the end of may..but i said yes to him before i started practicing with the no word.
and the good news is...colleen is very interested in lucy. we will wait for a few of weeks before doing a trial because they are going to be out of the country for a family thing. when they come back, lucy can go for a sleepover....yay lucy, yay colleen. (glad colleen has trouble with the word no too!)

and speaking of...whatever...laura and lana, i don't suppose, you guys are thinking of les, are you?



I believe your guardian angels are in human form.

( I'm not a believer in the after...just the now )

A lovely bunch of humans who lovingly and whole heartedly tend to what needs to get done. With hearts on thier sleeves.


i don't understand the part that says because we don't have more money or room...animals get killed needlessly or the part that says angel's best friend's end of life care is not our concern. anyone that angel loved is of great concern to me because it is of concern to her....dogs love forever unlike humans.

i say no more times than not because i have to most of the time...but not always...sometimes i can say yes if i feel i need to.

and i only pay vet bills on animals in real need that for whatever reason, i don't want to ever come niko who is a pain in the butt...i knew it when i met him 2 yrs ago, i know it now he is here...good thing i actually like the non stop talking, dog jumping headache and think he is grumpily cute.

there will always be those, like the really old sick guys on some pounds death row or animals who are actively suffering and their humans cannot or will not alleviate that suffering that we will somehow make room and find the money for....if we didn't help those ones then we shouldn't be here at all.

and for some reason, i believe that god has assigned us a somewhat slow but reliable guardian angel who occasionally pulls something, like national media coverage for us out of his/her ass when things look hopeless and just reinforces for me that hope does in fact float til it sinks.


Yeah Colleen and Lucy. I have only seen Lucy a couple of times but what a sweethart. She looks like she needs a home. She reminds me a bit of Darla. What is the stats on Al and Tony. How old are they? Do they have any medical problems? Do they get along with cats? Sigh, I want to take one of them home but I'm not sure that is a good idea. Actually I want to take both home and Copper and Andy cause he is really bonded to Copper.


Hey what part of Full .....or our Vet bills are killin us...didn't you understand.. :o :o at least you didnt tell them you'd pay theyre vet bills to stay at thier home this time... :( :(


lol..they already did...they have lady and murphy. sorry, i was is a friend of theirs that might be good for les.

Chris T

Come on Lana and Laura join the SAINTS foster/adopt club! It's lots of fun!