some things are gifts and some wonderful gifts turn around and just scare the shit out of you.
Carol · May 1, 2009
the cbc national piece literally pulled our ass out of the fire...$12,000 in donations put directly towards our ever growing vet bills.
but it did something else made us known in our community where before we weren't really known because i have been trying to keep a fairly low profile around here.
why is that you ask?...because we are not legal. this property is only zoned for a hobby kennel use...there are some pretty strict the numbers of dogs we can house. i didn't look for a commercial kennel property for 2, there is no way i could afford what we needed and two because in commercial facilities you have to house the dogs in commercial, cement and chain link kennel facilities...not nice for elderly and sick dogs to live in there.
so i took a risk based on 2 innocent belief that i could keep the numbers of dogs to within a reasonable distance of the actual numbers allowed. like maybe 4 or 6 over...but not 3 times the amount. and my belief that at some point, something would happen that allowed us to move one more time to a home that could accept the reaity in numbers needing sanctuary care from a society that really just didn't think they deserved what they do.
it is not working out that way.
yesterday i got a call saying that since we are now here and the city now knows what we are up to...i need to fill out the applications for a kennel permit and today renee said one of the neighbors (she doesn't know who) was yelling at her in the bottom field that we have too many dogs and he was close on the numbers which means he saw the national piece too....and the rock bottom truth is...that yes we do have too many dogs.
there is the legal side of which quite honestly, we are royally screwed...the law is the law and i know what the law says so i can't pretend ignorance there.
and there is the moral side of this...that there are 25 senior and special needs dogs who value their lives here, who are finally after a lifetime of uncertainty, getting the care, respect and the comittment that they were entitled to from the moment of their birth.
and in the middle of this is me...close to tears on my birthday because i am so afraid of what is coming and if i can protect them all.
day one of 51 sucks...i would like to go back a year before anyone of importance knew we were here and what we were doing..back to a time when it was little less scary and uncertain than it is today.
Carol, I used to be a Land Use Planner and I agree that sitting down with the municipality is the best way to go. I also like the idea of proposing a new zoning/land use category of a sanctuary.
Do not worry. If need be, the municipality that has authority over your area can be inundated with letters of support from the US. You have plenty of supporters from all over.
Please let us know how we can help. In the meantime, take care of yourself.