Rescue Journal

name the god damn baby geese

Carol  ·  Aug 12, 2009

dale and darci duck were cute little unisex names for ducklings but don't fit as nicely for goslings.

i am opening this up for suggestions...with the following rules..

1. i want passive, peaceful, gentle names to encourage them to grow up kind.

2. nothing too complicated, hard to pronounce or difficult to spell...think simple like...Glen and Rose except non-gender specific cuz i don't know what sex they are (it took 2 weeks to figure out they were geese for gawds sake, sexing them is way beyond me)

3...ok...thinking caps can go on...



Mo, thank you for advice...I was suspecting that he has more surprises for us. Everyday he is doing something to makes us laugh and to love him more. And would post some photos but I don't know how...
And Laura, yes when he wants to talk he makes sure that everybody can hear him and listening.
Thank you everyone for kind words. I promise that we are taking very good care of him. He is very spoiled and he deserves it.


I vote for Pitty (Pittie) & Pat or for Heckel & Jeckel. Quack Quack & Waddle Waddle anyone?


Dorina, thanks for the update. It's so awesome to hear that Jack is doing really well. He is a special boy with lots of personality. I miss all the talking he did. Glad he landed at such a great home.


Dorina Thank you so much for posting about Jack... it makes me so very happy to hear how he is doing & I know KO ( another volunteer) will be absolutley thrilled to read that he is living the good life with good people.

PS In the winter he loves his faced to be washed with snow.


Hi Carol,
just discovered this blog. Happy that I can tell you some new things regarding Jack. He is very happy and he is for sure the star on our street. At the beginning we could see that he is missing SAINTS and that he is a little bit confuse, but he adapt very quickly. He loves to talk (or to haul) with everybody and we also find out that he can run very well if he wants. Especially when he sees a cat or a racon. He stands no chance but he always try. He is very cute and very smart. He demands attentions and he loves car rides (he gets lots of it). When he gets his treats he is happy to guess (with his paw) which hand has the treat and if it doesn't guess he will try again.
Thank you again for this wonderful boy.