this is a gross story, but it just goes to show you how pathetic my life has become.
Carol · Aug 27, 2009
Living with Tiko
this cat is a pain in the ass but he has a TON of personality. tonight while i am rushing around to settle the back bedroom cats, tiko dive bombs into the bathroom and then refuses to get out again. Unless you have personally heard the incredibly pissed off sounds that Tiko can make, you cannot imagine what he had to say when i dared to suggest that he should move.
soooo..i left him there fully intending to get him out after he had time to consider that maybe he was now trapped. except i forgot, until a few minutes ago when i decided to have a quick bath. i remembered him just as i was about to open the door and fully expected to meet an angry cat. but instead i found the very picture of contentment, while i was gone, tiko had made my small bathroom, his very comfortable home.
my toilet seat was covered with his foot prints, he had found his very large and cold water bowl. my sink he had pulled a towel into and made himself a very soft bed that he was currently napping in. and my bathtub, he converted into his very own toilet.
i grabbed the bleach and set to work to reclaim that room for my own. for some reason i let that little bathroom thieving bastard continue to hang out and discuss this ownership issue further.
this is what tiko had to very many and varied vocal ways....
excuse me... but that is my soft mattress that lines my perfect bed, could you please not mess with my stuff and put that back where it belongs?
HEY!!! don't close the lid on my nice and big water bowl, i might get thirsty again!
oh thank you so for cleaning my toilet so what are you doing? are you totally nutz???? can't have a bath in my giant litter box????
you humans are beyond even gross...i think you should seek out a therapist.
are you done yet? can i have my house back now please? i think it is quite rude to just barge in and take over my nice new home.
leila...this is not a table tale.
BTW, I love the "Your Mother Is A SAINT." Really fantastic writing.