Rescue Journal

sorry last post for today

Carol  ·  Aug 31, 2009

this is why i love rescue...felix is a despot...he barks and gives a little bounce and my job is to pick him up immediately.

and eddy is on the top tier of the plastic cat bed shelves...he leans over the edge to puke and pukes down three cat shelf stories, right on top of max's ear.

"WTF?" says max.."is it raining cat vomit in here?"

too would have been even funnier if it had landed on phoebe.



Okay Phoebe and I don't think it would have been funny at all if it landed on her. Poor Phebes, what she puts up with.


sorry, i suffer from sailor (or rescue) mouth..What The F word...(i am not justifiably upset about something so i am not allowed to really say it on the blog today.)