he has done so well since he started his treatment for cushings...his insulin dose went down from his original 16 u BID to 3 u BID. last night he was good, today he crashed..blood sugars are 33. he is going on IV's and i said fine to frequent bloodwork and repeats to keep a close eye on both his diabetes and cushings. ahh apollo, i thought we had finally found the answer for you.
milly is staying in at the vets...she needs a major dental, plus we got a weak positive on an felv snap test (this might be because she was recently vaccinated at the spca.) in any case, she will have to be kept isolated for 2 months til we can repeat the tests. the clinic took before pics and think in a few months, if she is not felv and we repeat the pics, she will look like a totally different and beautiful cat. still waiting for the rest of her other bloodwork to come back.
champ is an ass without a bite inhibition. he is not really aggressive, just impatient and quick tempered. he nailed one of the dogs in the head when they walked past him. luckily one slight nudge and he let go as he fell over..there is a good side to dogs with weak back ends, they are a snap to knock off balance. he is banished to the office and no second chances..that was too hard a bite, he hasn't a clue how to get his point across without drawing blood.
the wrecked rotti cross passed her dog and cat testing, so i pick her up tomorrow.
and i may have found the dobie a home..this is a classic poetic fluke. i mentioned her at the feed store today and they knew a farmer who just lost his old rotti. hmm, i get worried about farm homes but i said to get him to give me a call.
now this is interesting cuz there is history here, and an example of when i did something that usually i never do....which is adopt out dogs to homes where there are dogs who sleep somewhere besides in the house.
5 yrs ago, i had an elderly, little furball dog named misty. she came from the maple ridge spca and was totally traumatized. a dairy farmer and his wife came to look at her...she was to be their house dog, the two old rotti farm dogs slept in the enclosed porch or out in the garage.
this is so an automatic no for me...it didn't really matter that she would be in...i thought they should all be in.
anyway, that old farmer sat on my bed with peter in his arms with tears running down his face at the sadness of all of these old unwanted dogs. he told me about his rotti's, his very best friends. they were with him from dawn til dusk, everywhere he went. they used to ride in the cab of the truck when he came to town for supplies, he built a special seat for them to ride along on the tractor with him. a year before, the old girl fell off the tractor and hurt her back. he took her for weekly accupuncture treatments, every week without fail..he said they helped her a lot. the vets all speak highly of him and so does the the folks at the pet and feed stores...he loves his dogs, they get the very best care...they are his family.
both of his old rotti's have died now, misty passed away suddenly while resting on his chest a couple of years ago.
this is the farmer that called me about the leaking dobie this morning..i said to go meet her at the clinic and see if he thought she could enjpy being his new farm buddy...i am waiting to hear if hope is still floating or if i have to bring another new dog here today.
and... "rotting" old shitz head with a really bad attitude is up for euth at the pound...i suppose i can try to squeeze him in...we are doing a major dog shift around today to even out the areas. i added all the new ones coming in and found them all a spot.
but that is it, i have reached my maximum...saints is full in all areas now....no more room for anyone for awhile.
oh and felix got groomed this morning...gawd he is freaking cute!
thx for calling him liana...i saw the vet today and she said it was love at first sight for all of them
hah you brought joy and emily to us by calling your friend at the auction, and they are so wonderful and now the dobie has a great home...hmmm, i might have to come see you more often!