i did not sleep well last night...still awake after 1 am and up for work at 5...barf.
we are up to 11 dogs in the bed...prudence has discovered it and lucy is here visiting again for a few days. i do not like the kingsized bed as well..it esthetically does not look as nice in the room as my old maple double...AND it is far less comfortable. sigh....whatz a person (with a bunch of needy dogs) to do?
i woke up last night to a very restricted and warm and heavy feeling inside my pajama top. i lifted the covers to have a look and i saw tia's upside down butt, feet and tail sticking out of my neckline. now there was a scary view.
it is no wonder i don't sleep well at night...i am continually being taken advantage of by burrowing, heat seeking, torpedo shaped daxi's....they really are both very cute (tia and daphne 2....the sneaky and slightly creepy, inside yer shirt, very sweet duo.)
we think lucas had some pain issues today...or maybe it is something else. but he is panting more than usual. i will give him an extra tramadol tonight.
bobbie brown is a tuna freak. felix liked the cassarole that laura made up for him. and edith would not eat her grain tonight, but i did see her eating some hay. i am watching you, little miss "i can't swim very well" librarian looking pygmy with the out to lunch and aging brain. all she needs is the little black hat and stiff shiny handbag..she already as the grey hair and the prim and stern little face. i will think on that while i sleep.
I'm glad you've been able to identify some of his issues, gives you a more acurate picture of his needs. I thought under all that fur he was a little chubber:)