So sorry for your loss Carol,I sometimes have a hard time (from up north) to keep track of all your saints...But when I came down my I conviced my husband to have a movie night with cleo who shared my pretzels all night and curled up by me,cole settled on his bed and bill had daphane#1(he loves his cockers)
run free cleo(thank you for you special memory)
i was thinking that since i came to saints almost 3 years ago that my heart has been broken so many times, but it has also been filled with joyous laughter and the knowledge that all these animals have been loved when no one else loved them. it is indeed an up and down roller coaster ride but one which i would have not missed for the world. i really wish that others could know what a special place saints is, i tell everyone i meet ,there are those that care and those that do not gi,ve a damn i am glad that i am one of those that care. cleos passing may not mean alot to some people but to carol and those who knew her it is a huge loss.
that breaks my heart, i know how much cleo loved you and you her. i thought when you took her into the vets today that she would be okay. i am so sorry carol. i know that if she could not be with you than it was the mp room. i am glad that you adopted her and gave her a special home. rest in peace cleo and say hi to mugsy from us.
We are all going to miss you so much cleo, your one of the dogs that has really touched me and im so glad I got the chance to know you. Say hi to mugsy sweetheart.