Rescue Journal

i was going thru the vet invoices tonight

Carol  ·  Dec 5, 2009

i thought i would share what some of these new guys have cost in terms of repairing lifetimes of neglect...i think it is interesting.
keep in mind that surgeries on seniors cost more than on younger animals because of pre-op bloodwork, special anaesthetics and IV's (and we do get a decent discount because we are rescue)

rose...(so far) $930
doris. surgeries..just on going skin issues...$500 each
bobby brown (geriatric dental/bloodwork only) $600
little mister (foster) $810
toni (just for bloodwork/wound debriding and re-suturing) $300
and shadow's 16 hour emergency visit was about $1000

plus..interesting to me...our longer term guys
apollo has cost more than $1100..he is ongoing!
lucky cost $1380 for her singular rock eating adventure

these are just a few from the 21 pages ($16,455.79 total for july-now) of account summary and does not count our 2 other fulltime vet clinics (cuz i don't have their invoices in front of me.)

the bloody little bastards are freaking expensive.

yuki probably weighs something like 6 she is costing about $200 per pound of body weight,,haha, i think that is funny. she looked like an xmas elf today in her little red and green wonder she is worth more than a thousand bucks...she is sooooo cute!!!

anyway, at least i know now why we never have any money...if we quit taking in new guys, the old guys would just cost us maintence fees! (except for apollo and lucky..they are special money needy cases..lucky cuz she is stupid and apollo cuz he is so sick.)



most of our diabetics are well controlled....apollo's real issue is the cushings..until (if) we get that controlled, the diabetes is a losing battle.

it is a good idea chris but the timing is off...too close to xmas, we are all too busy and it is a one time solution..the vet bills will be just as high in another 12 weeks.
the xmas donations will start coming in soon and hopefully they will help to clear our vet accounts again.

the real issue is seniors and special needs is very expensive, esp. on this scale because almost all of them have multiple health issues.
we have animals here on 4, 5, 6 different medications, our animals almost all come in needng at the very least...geriatric spay/neuters, multiple abcessed dental and tumour bloodwork, medications and xrays for their other cardiac, kidney, arthritic, cancer etc issues.

we need a rich sugar daddy who absolutely adores old animals! maybe santa could bring us one of those!!!!


I have managed to keep the costs of my diabetic down by doing glucose curves at home instead of the vets but the insulin and needles can be costly. Nudge has cost the most so far but over a 2 year period. Who would have thought constipation problems would cost more than a diabetic! Some of that was self inflicted by secretly gorging on food that wasn't hers!! I take all my cats for regular bloodwork and check ups, every six months if they are senior or special needs. Its worth every penny though!