she was a little bit afraid at the clinic, she does not like going into there but she did get a chance to say goodbye to her foster mom, so that was good.
when they gave her the sedation, she was too nervous to go to sleep. but daffy was such a remarkable dog, that when the vet took her leg, she just turned her head away and looked right at me. i said "good girl, you look at me. you are such a very good dog, you are going to be ok. don't be afraid, look at me, i love you daphne." and daphne believed and trusted me. she kept her eyes locked on mine as she slowly relaxed and passed away.
daphne died as she lived, overflowing with gentle grace.
rest in peace sunshine.
Being strong doesn't mean you can't cry for someone who was such an important part of your life. You grieve but carry on helping. That is strong.