Rescue Journal

eldad is a friend of ours...he transported shrek, fiona, and fluke up from california for us...please see his email below and if you feel like voting for something else independent of saints, vote for him too.

Carol  ·  Jan 18, 2010

(the video of the dog he just saved, says it all.

I really need your help today for just a minute so I can help me save so many animals.

A month ago, my organization, Hope for Paws was voted to among the TOP 100 charity organizations in the U.S. and we won a $25,000 donation for the animals.

We are now in round two where we can win a ONE MILLION DOLLAR donation. (The winner is based purely on number of votes).

If you have a minute, please see a video of this dog I rescued this week:

I hope this video convinces you that we really do great work for the animals and that we are worthy of your vote. (you can see all my videos here: )

We are THE ONLY pet rescue group in this competition!!! Please help us help those who don't have a voice.

Please click here and vote for us:

We would also LOVE it if you could forward this email and ask all of your family members, friends and co-workers to vote for us.

It really is a matter of life and death for so many animals.

Thank You so much!

Eldad Hagar, founder of Hope For Paws.



thanks nicole. i got the link and that video of ace is just very overwhelming what an awsome guy. i hope he d oes well with his challenge, looks like he deserves it. hope to see some of his other videos when i get a few minutes. carol that dead owl i found iburied it on sunday and today had to go dig it up as t he owl rescue wants it to see exactly what happened. i told them about the missing feet and they were very interested. had to have a glass of wine before i got the shovel and exhumed him. poor thing, but we figured out he was a bard owl. he was very beautiful. may he rest in peace.