Rescue Journal

sparky was euthanized tonight

Carol  ·  Jan 31, 2010

she was starting to feel uncomfortable, the meds were not holding her for long, her heart rate was getting thready, her belly was filling with gas that she just could not get past the obstruction. the vet said she would probably not last the night and there was a good chance that she would hit a pain crises.

colic is such an innoculous word...babies get it and they survive...but colic in horses is different. once any part of the bowel twists, it becomes life threatening. the vets told me old horses usually die of colic and i have heard horror stories of colicky horses dying in agony...i am grateful that we caught sparky's in time to keep her well medicated thru it all....our sparkles was 30 years old.

ahh sparkles, sparky, my little pony, the little pig pen....solid as a rock, gentle as any creature could possibly be. best friends with gideon and czar but leary of grumpy lahonnie. every night she was so eager to get into the barn...she trotted in like some show pony, not the grubby pony with the messed up hair that she really was.
even when cathy was finished grooming, sparky was still a mess...she was like phyllis dillar of the little horse set.

we are all so going to miss you, what a terrible loss. the little stray pony left a huge hole in our in peace sweet girl.



We will miss her terribly, for the better part of the day I really thought she was going to be OK... So sad that was not the case. Once again the barn will feel empty & different something is just not quite right.

Go with peace & run free Sparkle, for us you live forever in our hearts & memories

Chris T

I am so sorry to hear this Carol. How is the rest of the herd reacting? I hope that you and the herd are ok. Take care.


Sparkles...people would hear the name and then see our little pig pen pony and think boy that name doesn't match.....but for those of us who knew her we saw her "Sparkle" from the inside out....we will miss you precious pony. Watch over your friends it will be hard for them.


So very, very sad. RIP Sparky, sorry you didn't get another miracle.


I am so sorry for your loss...I can only think that the only way you are able to stay so strong through losing so many good friends is that in your heart you know that you have given them the very best they could ever dream, compassion and friendship until the end. However, saying that we all know it still hurts like hell.


A sad loss for everyone but I am thinking of how Sparkles and Gideon were such pals. Poor sweet Gideon has lost his friend.


Love you baby girl.

I will miss the smell of her feed bowl smelling of apple sauce.( she mashed up her morning apple and there was always a small pool of apple slobber there when I clean her bowl after breakfast )

I will miss her gentle, oh so gentle self. Soft lady.

Thanks Sparkle. It is an honor to know you.