Rescue Journal

i should have said say no...but i watched the video

Carol  ·  Feb 17, 2010

so i said yes to a dozen spent battery laying hens about to be de-populated from a commercial farm.

i guess i better shift our farm birds around to make some room.

sigh, poor things...i so wanted to get out of chicken rescue....i guess not.

just click on the link and the video will play.

if anyone knows anyone...a total of 650 spent hens need a safe place to land.



I love the names.. but the remembering part will still kill me... Here chicky1 , Here chicky2... we have corn & peas for you, Here Chicky3


the key word here is "solicit" pound the pavement with the proverbial tin cup in hand....those are the ones you can count. so if pat falls into there, fine..if is still 200 bucks for no veto rights from me!


nope, i have an email from Pat which says otherwise so there!! i will still get other donations.


no pat's donation is not going in under your name..mj already has it because i gave it to her a few days actually have to actively SOLICIT donations for them to count under your name.


sweet! pat already sent in her donation and said it can be tallied under my name!!
i will bring in $200 then. yay chickens!

Carol can name one chicken for each $20 you raise to save my hair....if you bring in $200, i will give you a break and you can name all 12.


ok, i came up with 12 girl names, they are female characters from Jane Austen novels. and i think they would be great names for hens.

Charlotte (lucas)
Elizabeth (bennet)
Jane (bennet)
Catherine (Kitty) Bennet
Emma (Woodhouse)
Harriet (Smith)
Elinor (Dashwood)
Margaret (Dashwood)
Marianne (Dashwood)
Anne (Elliot)
Sophia (Croft)
Fanny (Price)


Really good news Nicole, so glad to hear !!

I don't even know the names of the 12 guys that hung out with Jesus... not sure I could ever call a chicken Peter either... not cuz of the gender thing, but our former SAINT Peter may not like his namesake being a chicken... how about chicky1, Chicky2, chicky3 etc etc etc


Great news on your crew Nicole, thanks so much for the update. Mo, we could just use the 12 disciples names.


Sorry, i thought i had.
Emme had a miraculous recovery. honestly her liver enzymes rocketed high, she turned yellow and wouldn't eat. she tested really high for pancreatitis. we started her on a few simple meds and the next night her appetite was back, and a few days later her yellowness was gone and her liver enzymes were well on there way back down. I brought her to a radiologist to have an ultrasound done. Other than 2 very large adrenal glands (no she isn't cushioid, they are just large), everything internally looks normal. that being said, we are pretty sure there is cancer hidden in her somewhere as she has a few lumps that look like they may be mammary tumors. she still looks really skinny but she's up to 25kg, which is more than carley.

shrek gave me the biggest worry. we removed the lump on his foot and it came back as a histocytoma, which isn't bad or malignant and the vet got good clean margins on it anyways. it has had a tough time healing because of the position on his foot so he hasn't had a good walk in 2 weeks, but i'm going to bring him out today as the wound is looking good. thanks for asking.


OMG.. 12 names to come up with all at once.. and then to remember brain hurts just thinking about it..


Hey Nicole, I remember back in Jan. you were telling us about health issues with Shrek and Emme and I don't recall you mentioning an is everyone?


she doesn't love the lobster costume, but she does love the fleece sweater that she came with from VAS. she is getting pretty skinny now (boo hiss cancer) so she wears her sweater 24/7.


thsnks brenda for the update. i am sure we can take care of it. nicole you would just love to dress those chickens up, maybe poor carly could have a break. lol


Ha ha... you guys are too funny. I can't wait to see the pictures of little hens in Saint's "Clucks & Ducks" team sweaters. Hmmm do you have Ducks?

Brenda McCormick

A note to Lynn, and other volunteers - I am unable to come this weekend at all, so hopefully some others will come on Sunday. Sorry. But I will come early next Saturday (27th) - (the day of the volunteer meeting) and clean the house before the meeting. See you then. Brenda
P.S. They're lucky chickens!


I say YAY too!

I hope they're well feathered or they just may face the embarrassment of Nicole putting sweaters on them.


i fixed the link.
i know i'm not supposed to say yay more animals to care for at saints.
but yay!!! they will be safe!!!!
maybe we can <a href="" rel="nofollow">dress them up</a> - you know how i love that!!


Couldn't watch the video-clicking on your post link doesn't work. Perhaps that is just as well because me having hens when I have 4 cats already just wouldn't work.