Animal Updates

laughing my ass off...

Carol  ·  Apr 14, 2010

so for those of you who do not know my she is ( go ahead jenn, post a pic!)

Mom and I

so jenn is convinced (and quite right too) that the blog is much more interesting with pictures of who i am talking about. and she has been on my case to post the photo's of which there are many (she commandered her partners very expensive camera!) that match whatever story i am telling.

but posting pics is hard for me and takes a lot of time. jenn not to be stymied by her mother's technoignorance has taken matters into her own hands and is now apparently, adding pictures, with captions for me (see the post 2 below, bailey won't get a pic yet altho jenn tried tonight but he is quite camera shy.)

i am always on about our self actualizing animals...i learned this from raising self actualizing children..jenn is proof that i was pretty damn good at this!

love you babe, thx for the chuckle and yes the post looks better with the pictures you added!!

colleen's request for kodi's story today....

as i said before..i have been confining kodi in the big dog room for the past couple of days. the inhabitants of that room have not been happy. i did not know how irritated they were with kodi until today.

we took the dogs for a group field run after bailey had been introduced. it is a good and fun way to break the ice for everyone and for bailey to see how saints works. kodi of course was being kodi, flying around and herding everyone in sight like some kind of cattle dog madman. after the run was done, we started back for home. Al had had quite enough of kodi and his cattle dog nagging. The next thing we knew, was Al had knocked kodi to the ground and kodi started screaming and rolling and rolling and rolling and rolling down the hill.

But Mom, he deserved it!


it was us..kodi was beyond affronted. when he finally stopped rolling and hit flatter ground, he struggled to his feet, shot us all the most offended and dirtiest of looks and stalked off towards the house.

What cha look at?

kodi bear

al looked quite proud of himself, kodi stopped herding for all of 5 minutes before he was right back at it, full voice, full speed, full mouth of snarling teeth.

"Get up on the Bed, thee moving things ..."

Kodi herds

"Good, and don't come down .... my JOB is done ..."

Kodi herd 2

kodi is to herding what the rest of us are to breathing...absolutely necessary. i have no idea how that dog survived as an apartment dweller for 14 years..he must have been herding dust bunnies to keep himself sane.



Lol Jenn that is probably exactly why sheila suggested it... nice try sheila.. :-)


oh Sheila I would have except Mo is more elusive when it comes to photos than even my mother!!!!

Mauro Salles

I still obsessed with the need to disclose SAINTS. What do you think of considering the blog as the main access, the starting point so that more people know SAINTS? Suggestions:
(1) Change the layout of the blog will help by drawing attention to the wishlist, for example.
(2) Include in your posts a permanente footnote, something like "remember/check our wishlist".
(3) Include in wishlist voluntary to help update the website and the blog itself (maintenance, technical stuff and support for Nicole).
PS: Is Kodi alive? Did you try to "use" him for herding de barn guys (I don't know if this is dangerous)?


That is hilarious - Jenn going behind you and fixing up your posts. I think she should a picture of Mo in the one titled Mo phoned....

The stories do look better with the pictures.


i am so glad they are good friends!!!

hey steph, do you think you could shave lahannie for us again?

cheryl and stef

Just visualizing poor Kodi rolling down the hill over and over. Then had a little laugh. Al must have been so proud of himself. Love the photos in the posts.

Thought you would also like to know that Merridth is the love of our lives. What a wonderful personality this little goat has. She and Albert are best of friends (most of the time) as long as Albert is not wagging his tongue at her ....What can I say men are all alike even ones that a fixed


This just made my day! Of course, Kodi could be making up for lost time or now that he has spent the last 14 years imagining and perfecting herding, he is self-actualizing.


Just got a mental image of Kodi herding dust bunnies. I may not stop laughing for quite some time.