Rescue Journal

4lane passed peacefully away this afternoon.

Carol  ·  Apr 19, 2010


it was a good death. renee brought him to the clinic and i got off work early and angelina met us there too.
we sat on the floor of the exam room and renee told us what a good weekend he had had.
4lane was so cute, he would stand in front of renee and get some kisses and loving and his head would start wobbling to the right. then suddenly he would see angelina and wobble over to her to spend some time. his head would keep wobbling sideways til he could see over his shoulder and there i was against the far wall. up he would go to toddle over my way to say hello. then he would see renee again..and then angelina and finally back to me...over and over again.

you see, 4lane loved all of us...we were all his good friends. we could have stuffed that small room with all of the saints folks and 4lane would have gone to everyone, his loving family is huge.
i am not any more reverent when they are dying then when they are alive. i told the vet 4lane asshole stories and we chuckled with fond memories of this so sweet and innocent dog and some of his dastardly ways.

like how he would go in for the kill on the other dogs with his head tilting sideways and suddenly because of gravity, his head and his shoulder were skimming the floor and all he could reach as he got to them were their sensitive little feet.

4lane died amidst smiles and tears and a whole lot of love.

rest in peace little wobble-dog, you are forever safe and loved inside us all.




I will miss you, Fourlane. I am glad you found love at the end of your journey.

Mauro Salles

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Mauro Salles

I think Mo is talking about this picture ==>!/photo.php?pid=5183745&op=34&o=global&view=global&subj=74034250747&id=566906281

Picture 504, page 34, "4lane sleeping in a patch of sunshine".


One of the most wonderful traits about SAINTS is that nobody leaves unloved, some stay longer & may bury deeper into our hearts deeper, but they all are loved by many . Somewhere in the photo Gallery , or perhaps on the facebook page is a picture of 4Lane sleeping in a sunbeam, that picture touched me & I will picture our little man curled up at the rainbow bridge sleeping in the sun.

you were a special little dog 4Lane, I will miss you


Loved ya little will seem so weird to see the kandura bed under the tv in Carol's room without you in it. We will miss ya...especially Kodi, he was actually pretty quiet this weekend without his duelling partner. Rest in peace 4Lane.


4lane was exceptionally handsome.

And you, Renee and Angelina are exceptionally kind and lovely people.

Lynne & Scott

We met 4Lane the same day we met Spot. He had a sweet face...I must say I have have been surprised and amused to read all the stories of what was really going on behind those eyes (the good and the evil). I hope he has exactly the next life he wants and deserves...


i am so sorry but i know he had a wonderful life at saints. may he rest in peace and in all fairness carol kodi got his shots in against 4lane. he was having a hard time eating off the spoon when i brought dog food in for their treat. his head did wobble a lot he had trouble aiming at anything. thanks renee for giving him a great weekend, what a treat for you and him. miss being at saints this weekend but will see everyone next weekend. take care everyone.

Mauro Salles

So long, old warrior! You survived and lived! Wait for all who love you, but without much fight. :( :(


A most wonderful end to a wonderful life at SAINTS. My prayers are with you all.