one of the staff is taking a personal day off which is fine with me cuz not only am i here to cover but we can save a days wages which is good for saints right now.
so today i will be working in the mp building and spending some time with those guys in there.
esther is already moaning at me this morning....she thinks my being on holidays means she will get round the clock cookies in bed. will someone please tell me how on earth an old, homeless dog gets such ridiculous, spoiled rotten dog, ideas in her head?
It's the chow in me that makes me do it
esther is under the impression that she is not living in a homeless shelter, she thinks she is in a free room service resort.
it kind of reminds me of working in the hospital except instead of call bells to push for service, here, one simply stares at the servants and moans and barks til you get what you want.
hey esther, button it, i don't start serving til 8 am!
bailey hurt his foot on one of the field runs yesterday, he is on meds for a couple of days.
lil big bud goes in for further cushings testing this morning. i am pretty positive he is going to be positive but i could be wrong i suppose.
i booked jewel and nina in for a "quality of life" discussion next tuesday and i am taking squeakers in too. i need help deciding whether to go for full dental extractions with him or if to go for steriod injections to help with his chronic mouth problems. on a 15 year old cat, neither option is a great one but antiinflamatories and antibiotics are not doing a good enough job.
i swear to god that molly (our 19 year old dog) is some kind of magical creature...just like that movie benjamin buttons...every year she gets younger, perkier and better looking too! hey molly, what's your secret????? i wanna age in reverse just like you!!
molly before at 16 yrs old
molly now at 19 yrs
weeeellll..i better get moving and planning my day here cuz i promised jenn i would come see her this afternoon and change her leg is what mothers who are nurses do for their post op surgical kids.
(jenn, while you are waiting for me, fix my picture did not work right today!)
really a dog that 21? wow